On This Day in Nintendo History on Vooks

Because Vooks has been around for more than 20 years, there’s a bit of news in our archives – so why not share it with everyone?

Below are the posts from the current day, but one, two, five, ten and more years ago. There’s not going to be something every day – in fact, some days, everything could be blank. Also, many of our older posts may be missing graphics and images and look broken entirely. A lot of them were written when we were very young.

Here’s what’s in the archive today.

One Year Ago

Pokémon card Happy Meals are returning to Maccas - They'll be in the next run of "toys".
Nintendo Download Updates (Week 31) No Illusions - Disney Illusion Island, Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons, Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara, PixelJunk Scrappers Deluxe,…
Aussie Weekly Switch eShop Deals (Week 31) Bit of this - Diablo, Donut County, Kentucky Route Zero, Neon White, Sayonara Wild Hears, Spyro, The Witcher and more.
Disney Illusion Island Review - Adventure is out there

Two Years Ago

Nothing in the archive on this day.

Three Years Ago

Five Years Ago

Seven Years Ago

10 Years Ago

Nothing in the archive on this day.

15 Years Ago

Dragon Quest IX tops 3 million in Japan - Proving Japan still love their Dragon Quest, the game has topped over 3 million copies sold. Dragon Quest IX has…
DS Pirates to blame Ubisoft sales drop says president - Boss of Ubisoft says that pirates are to blame for Ubisofts profits dropping on Nintendo DS games Ubisoft’s sales targets…
Missing fighter in the English Tatsunoko vs. Capcom revealed - Out of all the characters in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom only one will miss release outside of Japan and his name…
Red Steel 2 pushed to 2010 for more polish - Ubisoft has delayed Red Steel 2 until next year, it give it extra polish says the boss Two of Ubisofts…
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Wii) Review - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince continues the two year release cycle of films and games based on the…
Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits (Wii) Review - When a company creates a hugely successful franchise that becomes incredibly popular world-wide, it is normally not long before that…
Wii Sports Resorts soars to the top of the UK Charts - As if it was going to pan out any other way, Wii Sports Resort debuts at the top of the…
Worms creators in talks about WiiWare title - Team 17 say theyre discussing a WiiWare title, but believe Nintendo still have work to do with their online service…

20 Years Ago

Nothing in the archive on this day.

Note: Due to how the queries for this page work, it shows a 24 hour window, X days ago – so you might have things sneak in from the day before.