Nintendo will resume NES Mini production in 2018
Surprise! The NES Mini is making a comeback.
Announced today via twitter, Nintendo of Japan revealed that they would be resuming the production of the Famicom Mini, Japan’s equivalent to the NES Mini. Nintendo of America have also announced that the NES Mini would be shipping again in 2018. Both the Famicom Mini and NES Mini were initially released late last year but promptly sold out, with many customers unable to secure one.
With the introduction of the Super Famicom/SNES Mini later this year, it was thought that Nintendo wouldn’t return to the NES Mini and instead focus on the new system, so it’s a shock that we’re actually going to be seeing it on the shelves again next year. Nintendo has also revealed that they have increased the inventory of Super Famicom/SNES Mini consoles, with multiple subsequent shipments to follow the September 29th release date.
We’ve reached out to Nintendo Australia asking if we’ll get more shipments too, but with North America and Japan confirmed to be getting them, it’s a pretty safe bet we will too. We’ll be sure to update you if we hear anything.
また「ニンテンドークラシックミニ ファミリーコンピュータ」につきましても、2018年に生産を再開することが決定いたしました。店頭での販売開始時期については、後日ご案内いたします。
— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) September 12, 2017
We’re happy to confirm that we’ll continue to ship stock of #SNESmini to Europe in 2018.
►— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) September 12, 2017
If they add extra games/two controllers there’s gonna be hell (approx. $100) to pay.
Hmmm… maybe I could get a Famicom Mini then as I already have a NES Mini…
Nah, it’s hideous!
As long as they keep producing more Switch units right? Right?