Nintendo Download Updates (18/4) Kung Fu Fire Adventure


Last weeks massive sale continues into this week and there’s a couple more games to add to the mix. The Guild01 titles are joining the rest of the Wii U and 3DS eShop games from the IDEAME sale. The next 30c game is released too and it’s none other than Kirby’s Adventure for the NES. Not long now either until the Virtual Console goes live for real either.

Lastly is the next game from Neko Entertainment, Kung Fu Rabbit. I’ll be checking that one out for as their previous game, Puddle was pretty fun.

Wait a second, nearly forgot! Fire Emblem Awakening is out on the eShop this week too, but that won’t be on the store until midnight Friday. You should be picking that one up regardless whether its on the eShop or not, it’s amazing. Check out bargain guide for the best prices and be on the look out for our review soon.

So then anything for you this week?

Kung Fu Rabbit (Neko Entertainment – $6.50)

Kirby’s Adventure (Nintendo – $0.30)

Existing Sales


ndu_salebadge ndu_wiiudlbadge Trine 2: Director’s Cut ($9.99 until April 30th, usually $19.99)
ndu_salebadge ndu_wiiudlbadge The Cave ($11.70 until April 25th, usually $19.95)
ndu_salebadge ndu_wiiudlbadge Toki Tori 2 ($17.99 until April 25th, usually $19.99)
ndu_salebadge ndu_wiiudlbadge Little Inferno ($4.97 until April 25th, usually $9.97)
ndu_salebadge ndu_wiiudlbadge Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition (UK Shop only, £6.75)
ndu_salebadge ndu_wiiudlbadge Nano Assault Neo ($8.99 until April 25th, usually $13.00)
ndu_salebadge ndu_wiiudlbadge Puddle ($9.00 until 2nd May, usually $13.00)


ndu_3dsbadge ndu_3dsretail Fire Emblem: Awakening ($69.95)

ndu_3dsdlbadge Dig Dug (Namco Bandai, $5.20)

ndu_3dsdlbadge Super Little Acorns 3D Turbo (UK Store Only)


ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsbadge ndu_3dsretail Virtue’s Last Reward ($39.99, usually $49.99)
ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Liberation Maiden ($6.50 until May 30th, usually $12.00)
ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Crimson Shroud ($6.50 until April 25th, usually $10.40)
ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Aero Porter ($3.90 until April 25th, usually $6.50)

Existing Sales

ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Mutant Mudds ($7.80 until April 25th, usually $13.50)
ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Mighty Switch Force ($6.75 until April 25th, usually $9.00)
ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Art of Balance TOUCH! ($7.50 until April 25th, usually $10.50)
ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! ($6.00 until April 25th, usually $7.50)
ndu_salebadge ndu_3dsdlbadge Gunman Clive ($1.85 until April 25th, usually $2.50)

All Prices are in AUD and accurate at time of writing. The Australian eShop updates at Midnight every Thursday at 11pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time unless otherwise specified.

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Daniel Vuckovic
The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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