Iwata talks digital downloads, pricing options
During the recent Q&A after the 2nd Quarter Financial Results Briefing, Iwata discussed many points concerning their focus on their digital download services.
Whatever they’re doing is working, with 11.2 billion yen coming from digital downloads, with half of that number coming from their retail software alone. And while going digital is cheaper for them, Iwata explained that charging less for software they consider the same risks devaluing their software, which they want the consumer to value highly.
On the note of pricing, Iwata also elaborated upon their recent exploration at different pricing options, for example, the yearly subscription cost for Pokémon Bank, or the daily passes for Wii Sports Club. In the case of Wii Sports Club, the daily pass caters to those who only play occasionally, and the outright cost for those who play quite often. These new pricing options are a new challenge for Nintendo, which allows them to explore new markets and tactics.
And last, but not least, Nintendo is looking to fulfil the potential the Virtual Console has on both platforms, which will be great indeed! You can read the full Q&A here.
Anything stand out to you? It definitely looks like Nintendo is tackling online services head on, which is great to see. Let us know your thoughts below!