Nintendo Direct: New Super Mario Bros. 2 announced for 3DS


Nintendo has unveiled the latest Mario game at today’s Nintendo Direct live stream. New Super Marios Bros 2 for the Nintendo 3DS was shown off via some in-game still screenshots. Not a lot is known about the game just yet, but we did notice that Raccoon Tail Mario will make his return from 3D Land and that the P Meter from Super Mario World 3 will also be returning, hinting that Mario will take it to the skies once again.


New Super Mario Bros. 2 has been announced for a Japanese release date of August. With any luck we’ll get it by the end of the year.

Screenshots were grabbed from the feed courtesy of AndriaSang.

How do you feel about this change? Would you have preferred a follow up to Super Mario 3D Land instead? Or does this feel more “right” to you? Let us know in the comments.

What's your reaction?
Oh wow!
About The Author
James Mitchell
Avid gamer since I was as young as three years old when I received my first NES. Currently studying full time and consider myself a balanced gamer. Enjoy games on all systems, from all genres, on all platforms. Sometimes feels like he's too optimistic for this industry.
  • Ganmaku
    April 21, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    Great news! My only concern is that between this and the proposed New Super Mario Bros Mii on the Wii U might have people OD’d on New Super Mario Bros goodness. If even such a thing is possible. Nintendo could then go hang out with Activision in the franchise fatigue club.

  • April 21, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    Yes this will be way better than SM3DL

  • Dash135
    April 21, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    I think this will be good. You can sort of tell from the screenshots that they’ve added some new stuff, and that’s all that I think is really important. As long as there’re plenty of levels (which there will be) and enough variety this should be great. I have faith that Nintendo can pull of a good and diverse game with enough new stuff to make it worth buying. I wonder if they can have New Super Mario Bros. 2 Wii U ready for launch? If they do and it’s good then this will surely sell heaps of Wii Us. Looking forward to this game and can’t wait to play it later this year.

  • cmpa1970
    April 22, 2012 at 3:35 pm

    a true follow up to SM3DL is too soon. i’m more than happy with 2D. although i don’t believe it will be flat 2D. more 2.5D background & foreground for depth without jumping back & forth.

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